Optimum Carsharing

Why and how can you share your vehicles thanks to company car-sharing?

Very popular with private individuals, car-sharing is gradually becoming more and more popular in the corporate world. Car-sharing in companies consists of sharing part of the fleet of vehicles for several users whose travel needs are only occasional.

The use of car-sharing is above all common sense. A few statistics demonstrate the "waste" of car resources in companies:

  • 90% of vehicles are assigned to only one driver despite limited operating time
  • Only 40 % of the assigned vehicles are permanently on the road
  • The other 60%s remain parked in car parks for most of the time

In a tense economic and environmental context, the use of company car-sharing makes it possible to make better use of automobile resources while offering employees a practical and comfortable mobility solution. Let's take a quick look at the various benefits of company car-sharing.

Reduce the overall cost of the vehicle fleet

The car fleet and, more broadly, mobility represent the 2nd largest area of activity in the world.ème The financial impact of vehicles on a company's operating result is not neutral. This means that the financial impact of vehicles on a company's operating result is not neutral!
Pooling part of the fleet reduces the size of the fleet and, as a result, its overall cost. Various studies have shown that car-sharing a vehicle can reduce the fleet by 10 vehicles (or even more in some cases).

Reducing parking spaces

Reducing the number of vehicles also reduces the number of parking spaces. At a time when parking spaces are being sold or rented at a premium, particularly in urban areas, the impact of car sharing is not neutral in this respect either.

Promoting access to business

Reducing the number of vehicles in the fleet also means making it easier to access the company. In many cases, this may seem trivial, but for some companies with several thousand employees on one site, it can have a significant impact.

Reducing the company?s carbon footprint

By reducing the number of vehicles in the fleet, the company will naturally reduce its environmental impact. In a context where fiscal pressure is increasing to reduce greenhouse gases, car-sharing makes it possible to make a contribution.

Offer a mobility solution to all employees

Some employees in a company only travel occasionally. Even if these trips are rare, they are sometimes a real struggle: booking a taxi, then a train?
By having shared vehicles in the company car park, employees can easily access their means of transport (after having booked it, of course).

Pooling of journeys

In addition to car-sharing, company car-sharing is also becoming more widespread. This is, for example, what the connected vehicle specialist Optimum Automotive is proposing by coupling its car-sharing application with car-pooling. The idea is simple: if several employees have to make the same journey on the same day, the application will allow them to search for carpooling opportunities before reserving a vehicle. After the pooling of vehicles, it is now the pooling of journeys that will further reduce a company?s mobility costs.

How to implement car sharing in a company?

Optimum Automotive's teams will help you to determine which vehicles are potentially eligible for car-sharing. The Optimum Automotive solution then allows you to manage your car-sharing system from start to finish:

  • Management of booking/return diaries
  • Key and door opening management (RFID badge/reader, Bluetooth, connected and secure key cabinet)
  • Billing tools
  • Statistical tools to help you adapt your car-sharing system to the mobility needs of your employees.

In short, carsharing is relatively simple to implement within a company or a community and the benefits are concrete, measurable and sustainable for the company, the employees and the environment. Better still, car-sharing can also bring additional financial resources to the company by offering employees, or outsiders, for a fee, the same vehicles during weekends and holiday periods.